Sonya Williams
My journey in the legal profession began in 2000 when I quite literally stumbled upon a job as a file clerk. To my surprise, I quickly ascended through the ranks, becoming a legal secretary at an Insurance Defense firm within just a year. Two years later, a pivotal moment arrived when one of the firm's attorneys opened his firm. I eagerly joined him. My dedication to the legal field was unwavering.
My career has been marked by strong connections with clients, and it's a connection that goes far beyond the legal realm. I've been known to help clients pack up their homes, assist with their moves, and even clean up their old residences. I form bonds with my clients, providing not just legal counsel but also genuine care and support. People seem to just connect with me, and that's something I truly value.
One of my most memorable experiences involved a client who had suffered a gun shot wound to the head. He is an amazing man. Despite the language barrier (he spoke Spanish, and I didn't), we worked closely together for three years of his litigation and beyond to secure his citizenship. Our bond remains to this day.
Beyond my legal work, I'm actively involved with a nonprofit organization called Return Strong. Return Strong is a Nevada based grassroots organization dedicated to prison reform in Nevada prisons.
My journey in the legal profession began in 2000 when I quite literally stumbled upon a job as a file clerk. To my surprise, I quickly ascended through the ranks, becoming a legal secretary at an Insurance Defense firm within just a year. just a year. Two years later, a pivotal moment arrived when one of the firm's attorneys opened his own firm. I eagerly joined him. My dedication to the legal field was unwavering. My career has been marked by strong connections with clients, and it's a connection that goes far beyond the legal realm. I've been known to help clients pack up their homes, assist with their moves, and even clean up their old residences. I form bonds with my clients, providing not just legal counsel but also genuine care and support. People seem to just connect with me, and that's something I truly value.
One of my most memorable experiences involved a client who had suffered a gunshot wound to the head. He is an amazing man. Despite the language barrier (he spoke Spanish, and I didn't), we worked closely together for three years of his litigation and beyond to secure his citizenship. Our bond remains to this day.Beyond my legal work, I'm actively involved with a nonprofit organization called Return Strong. Return Strong is a Nevada based grassroots organization dedicated to prison reform in Nevada prisons.